(continued from Air Menu Node)


Maintenance on this disk file is normally performed using a text editor on the actual file on the hard disk. This could be in different locations depending on the type of Tourplan installation. The settings available in tourplan.ini are:


The string of data passed by the Tourplan.exe application to the database server advising the Database to connect to, the ODBC Driver (DSN) name, Web Services instance etc.


This setting is redundant.


The type of Database Server being used. Only SQL Server at this time.


The directory path to the Tourplan executable (.exe) program files.


The directory path to the folder containing the graphics icon.


This setting has been replaced by the Directory path to the Tourplan help files. Although the help files location can vary on a user by user basis, it should be kept the same for all users; otherwise, system upgrading will be difficult. setting in System INI.


The time in seconds after which the ODBC driver will timeout if no data has been sent or received to/from the database. Default is 240 (4 minutes).

(continued in System)